Hello, Universe.
Hi Friends,
This is day zero. I’m finally happy with our first version of the website, and will be publishing it live this afternoon. Thanks for coming to check it out! Please do send us any feedback you have on the content or general ideas therein.
I started this organization after noticing two things. First, there is a strong demand for technical, mathematical physics on YouTube. And second, that outside of Twitter, I didn’t see a good amount of quality, physics related material that was consistently pushed to everybody. There’s plenty of room for more, and I’d love to help anyone push out an effort for Science outreach in parallel.
My biggest concerns for communicating science involve enrollment. We need to get more practicing scientists involved with engaging with the public in an honest dialog. Of course, we also need the public on board with our mission to expand Scientific Literacy.
What I’ve found hardest to communicate is a need to sympathize with those who hold doubt in our institutions. With those who mistrust public institutions generally, and Science in particular. We cannot shame them into agreement. We need to convince them. Nobody likes to be told what to do, or what to believe. Coming at the problem with these ideas in mind, may well advance our cause.
And we must. With technology advancing and perspectives shifting at a faster pace, the need for everyone to understand those changes - and those of our planet - has never been greater. We are all stakeholders in this, Whether or not we like it. Whether or not we know it.