Ingenuity Flys Thrice!

Ingenuity flys thrice!
Since last week, ingenuity has flown! Three times, in fact! On Friday . Amusingly, the engineers included a piece of the Wright brother’s original airplane on Ingenuity. In his notes, chief pilot Håvard Grip observes NASA’s flight test methodology parallels the Wright Brother’s own records: escalation with lots of patience.

Ingenuity’s second flight lasted less than a minute, but it flew 5 meters high, with a quick 2 meter out and back. It’s third flight was planned to be faster, and farther, flying route that’s about a 50 meter out and back.

That third flight was successful this morning, and reports even included an image the helicopter took from it’s second flight. No doubt the engineers are busy today pouring over all the data from their charge’s latest flight. Stay up to date with ingenuity with its own newsroom feed.

Sean Downes

Theoretical physicist, coffee and outdoor recreation enthusiast.

Information, Entropy and Black Holes


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