Sean Downes Sean Downes


As a business, the Pasayten Institute’s model is to demonstrate value to individuals at scale, which will bring in money through appeals for access and brand loyalty. But this raises a paradox:

How do you justify paying for access when your whole goal is to build and share physics knowledge without barriers?

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User Stories
Sean Downes Sean Downes

User Stories

While my exposure to the tactics deployed by management in tech was deflating, the strategy was fascinating. One of the most valuable tools I gained from my corporate experience was the User Story.

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Sean Downes Sean Downes


When I explain the Pasayten Institute to folks, the most common question is some variation of: “why isn’t this a nonprofit?!”

My response? I tried. No dice.

Instead. I elected to model the Institute as a B-corporation.

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Sean Downes Sean Downes


I knew that I was going to need some way to finance the mission of institute, which is

“To build and share physics knowledge, without barriers.”

In some sense that means putting out physics material online, for free, which isn’t exactly a sustainable business model. At least by itself.

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